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Funny First Date Questions That are Foolproof

 Have you been struck by the cupid recently? Has your newly found love invited you for a second date? Excited, thrilled or overwhelmed? Well, all the three, right? Dating, these days, has become an important part of life which plays a vital role in either shaping many sweet relationships or turning them sour. Moreover, the concept of dating is largely considered as the best means to identify one’s suitability of getting along with each other as life partners. No matter how romantic one is, there are nerve testing times when breaking the ice gets tough. Conversation, when not planned initially, can become difficult to last even for a couple of minutes, particularly during the early days of courtship. In order to make your date lovely, romantic and, above all, humorous, popping out a funny question at the right time can make the chat healthy and bring the two of you a step closer. Browse through the following lines and check out some funny dating questions to ask your beloved.

 Funny Dating Questions To Ask

1- One question that you certainly ask is whether she stirs her coffee clockwise or counter clockwise? When she answers, give off with a sad expression and respond by saying “I only drink tea”. This sure will help in developing a slight comfort level between you two.

2- What is your favorite part of your body and why? This question will give you a hint about his/her basic idea of a physical relationship. If the answer matches with your favorite, you can very well think of scoring a love match. However, if this isn’t the case, you might get some naughty replies, enough to keep the date refreshing and enjoyable.

3- The consequences of use of fertility drugs can also be discussed, wherein countless people opt for three or more babies using this treatment. Though this question looks tricky, but it surely will open the doors for finding out whether he/she is interested in a large family or not.

4- If you are an alien and you could abduct any person on earth, who would you abduct and why?

5- What do you like best about being single?

6- What is the wackiest gift you have ever received or gifted someone?

7- Who was the first person you kissed?

8- How would you feel if you were in a white room with people all dressed in white?

9- If you had power to transform into a bird, what type of bird and which bird would you want to become?

10-  Have you ever gone cow-dipping?

11- If you were in a forest, what are the three emotions you’d feel?

12- What do you like to eat to cheer yourself up?

13- Have you ever wondered what Roadrunner would taste like?

14- Which celebrity do you fantasize about?

15- What do you do for fun?

16- Do you like chocolates? If yes, then which candy bar would you be?

17- Which is the song you can associate with my image?

18- What is your favorite food for a midnight snack?

19- Who are more romantic? Women or men?

20- Do you revere a superhero? Which one and why?

21- Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or the end?

22- What do you think about public displays of affection?

23- What is your all time favorite comedy movie?

24- Why can’t you get a tan on your palms?

25- What’s your worst pet peeve?

26- Have you ever done anything illegal?

27- Have you ever sneaked out of your house?

28- If you were a fish, what kind of fish would you be?

29- Do you think the world would be more fun if everyone always wore hats?

30- Would you ever keep a hippie as a pet?

31- What is your weirdest “quirk”?

32- What is the difference between love and romance?

33- Would you like me to tattoo my skin for you?

34- What is your wildest fantasy?

35- Which is the cheesiest pick up line used on you ever?

Humor is, undoubtedly, the most significant component for breaking the ice at any date. These fun filled questions will help you know your potential partner better. So, set the mood of your dating and have a rocking-n-rolling time!

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