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If He Does These 12 Things, He’s Definitely Into You

 Sometimes there are mixed signals as to if that guy from work, school, or on your block likes you. I mean, you are interested in him but don’t want to go off giving too strong a hint at a relationship without being absolutely sure that he is really into you.

 Seeing that I have always had your back, I went ahead and made a list of signs that will definitely help to rule out all doubts. Here we go:

    1- He acts boyish when you’re around.

    2- Smiles with you for no obvious reason.

    3-  Finds a reason to call or text you every day…not necessarily about work.

    4- Shows great concern if you are ill or facing a really stressful time in your life.

    5- Goes out of his way to do you a favour.

    6- Finds a way to make you laugh just when you need to the most

    7- Is interested to hear what you have to say.

    8- Notices whenever you make a change in your style or look.

    9- Is there for you when you need a friend.

    10- Accepts you for you.

    11- Doesn’t mind if you happen to call at a late hour.

    12- Does not pressure you into sexual activities and respects your decision regarding same.

Now that you know he’s feeling you and there is actually an opportunity for starting something special you need to decide what you are going to do about it. Good Luck!

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