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Romantic Day And Night Ideas

 We live in a day and age where lives are busy and schedules are swamped.  The working day is also a little more versatile than it has been in days past, and people are working longer hours or irregular shifts.  This can put a damper on your love life, but this should not discourage you from enjoying you and your partner no matter what time of day it is.  Romance is not just for evenings anymore, and here we have a list of 25 things you can do during the day, or during the evening that will help ensure you make the most of every second with your lover.

1.    If you won’t be seeing your partner for a while, tell them you’re concerned and have hired a bodyguard. Give him or her a stuffed teddy bear with an “I Love You” heart on it.

2.    Use glow in the dark stars to create a message that says “I Love You” over their bed.

3.    Send your partner something during the workday.  Flowers are great, but think outside the box.  How about 11 real roses and one in the center that is artificial with a note that says “I will love you until the final rose fades.”

4.    Take a long walk with your partner in the countryside.  While you are out, make a point of finding a stone or smooth object and show it to your sweetie.   Later, have it engraved with the date you found it together.

5.    Lie in the grass and look at the clouds.  Be a kid again and find shapes in the clouds. The sexier the better!  You may want to find a secluded area so that this could lead to some outdoor fun!

6.    Daytime or nigh time have dinner or lunch on a rooftop somewhere.  Spread a picnic and make sure you won’t be disturbed.

7.    Take your love to the beach.  Before you get there, write a message somewhere in the sand for him or her to see. The sexier the better!  If it’s night time, light it with candles.

8.    Have a picnic with finger foods and fun things to eat.  The only rule? No utensils allowed, and no eating unless it is being fed to you.

9.    Plant a tree together and make a ritual. After you have planted it, celebrate with a glass of champagne, right by your tree.  Do this every year on this anniversary.

10.    Take a walk in the rain together. No umbrellas allowed.  Stand under an awning and kiss for a minimum of 60 seconds.

11.    Take a hot air balloon trip!

12.    Go fly a kite. It will make you both feel like a kid again.

13.    For movie night in, rent “An Affair to Remember” and the accessories to remember for this one are champagne or wine, chocolate covered strawberries, and you.

14.    Go to the drive in, but rather than staying inside the car, spread a blanket outside the car and bring candles and fun finger foods to picnic on.

15.    Fill your trunk with helium balloons that say “I Love You”. Ask your partner to go for a drive. When you get to a secluded country spot, ask him or her to go to the trunk and get your jacket for you. Release the balloons together.

16.    Take some water balloons or some water guns to the beach one afternoon and blow off some steam together.

17.    Have your own masquerade ball right at home, day or night. No limitations on costumes, or lack thereof, so long as there are masks.

18.    Festivals of any kind, food, jazz, wine, music, are always great inspirations for romance day or night.  Blow off some steam together!

19.    Go skinny dipping!

20.    Watch a sunset together.

21.    Watch the sunrise together.

22.    Lay outside at night and count the stars. Name them.

23.    Rent a sports car with a convertible top. Pretend you are a couple from one of the classics as you tour the coast or countryside with nothing but the wind in your hair.

24.    Breakfast…or dinner…or both…in bed.  Nudity mandatory.

25.    Put a hammock up in your backyard and commit one hour a week to snuggle time, day or night.  No talking allowed.

26.    Go for an afternoon stroll through the park. Make sure that your walk concludes at a nice bistro on the edge of the park, and enjoy a romantic dinner together.

27.    Go down to your local marina and see if you can charter a small sailboat. They might require a little training, but once you’ve gotten the hang of things, there’s nothing more romantic and exhilarating than breezing through the water together.

28.    If you are both outdoor enthusiasts, head to a local nature preserve and bring along a flower book. Help each other identify the flowers along the way. Don’t forget to pack a picnic to enjoy along the way.

29.    Go to a carnival together. Make sure you take turns trying to win giant stuffed animals for each together! Stick around for fireworks in the evening.

30.    Find out if your city has any historic sites or tours, and go explore together. Treat each other to a nice dinner after your day of walking.

31.    Run away for the day. Turn off your cell phones and go somewhere alone together. If you’re going anywhere secluded, make sure you tell at least one person your plans so you have a safety net if you get lost!

32.    Do you have a favorite show that you love to watch together? Get a box set of episodes and stay in for the day snuggled on the couch watching a marathon!

33.    Learn a new game together. Make a trip to the store and pick up a new board game, then go home and have fun! Remember, it’s only a game, so don’t take it too seriously.

34.    Spend the day teaching your lover something new – a craft, a skill or a sport. Be patient and make it fun for them, so they will enjoy sharing even more of your interests. Reward the hard day’s work with a trip out for dessert.

35.    Do you both enjoy getting down and dirty? Why not grow a garden together! Plant one in your yard or see if your city has a public garden. You will enjoy meals cooked using ingredients you nurtured together.

36.    Join a gym together and make working out together a part of your weekly routine. Trust me – once you get a few trips under your belts, you’ll enjoy exploring each other’s increasingly toned bodies!

37.    Sometimes it’s nice just to be together without doing the same thing. Do you each have a fun project you want to work on? Try working in the same room while listening to some good tunes. Just being near your lover will improve your mood.

38.    Babysit a friend or relative’s kids together for the day. If you are a serious couple and think you might want to take the leap, it’s a great way to see how well you do wrangling kids as a team. Watching your lover nurturing a little one will make you see them in a whole new light.

39.    Play hooky together. Schedule a day in the middle of the week to take off work, and see what the rest of the world is up to when everyone else is stuck behind a desk.

40.    Go to a museum. If you live in a larger city, you can even plan out several months’ worth of museum visits. You’ll get a little culture, some time together, and some perspective on your lover’s taste in art and culture.

41.    Do some volunteer work together. You’ll be helping out the community and seeing the compassionate side of your lover. After you’re done, go home and congratulate each other for a job well-done!

42.    Too hot outside? Go to the water park or the beach. You can cool down and catch some rays. When you’re done with your fun in the sun, grab some ice cream.

43.    Storming out? Why not tell scary stories or watch a scary movie together. You may both end up clinging tightly to each other and laughing at how scared you are!

44.    Go get lost. Fill up the gas tank, throw a map and a cell phone in the glove box (for use only if you really DO get lost!), and just drive. Take turns choosing which roads to turn down. When it’s time for lunch, stop at the first place you see. It will be quite an adventure!

45.    Go cruise the local Farmer’s Market. Take time to explore everything they have to offer, with the goal that you’ll make dinner together using only ingredients you purchased from the market. Go home and create a fresh, healthy dinner together!

46.    Check your state’s tourism website for activities within a two to three hour drive of your home. Make a goal to take at least one day-trip together a month. It will give you some quality time alone and let you both experience new things together!

47.    Go pretend shopping together. Make a rule that neither of you can buy anything, even if you have money burning a hole in your pocket. Hit some of the nicer stores in town and pick out things you’d love to own. You’ll learn a lot about your lover’s taste and be able to make a mental note of potential gift ideas.

48.    If your city supports street musicians, go spend the day in the park or the square listening to live music. Grab lunch from a street vendor.

49.    Go people watching? Find a nice place to sit down together with a cup of joe or a snack and make up stories about the people walking by. It will be fun watching your lover’s imagination unfold.

50.    Spend the day doing small things you’ve never done. Haven’t been to the top of the highest building in town? Go do it! Has your lover never tried Sushi? Now’s the time! Just enjoy the day making new discoveries together.

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