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5 Vitamin Deficiencies That You Can See In Your Face

 It can be difficult to make sure that we are getting all the forms of nutrients we need. Even if you think you’re eating relatively healthy, there may be a certain vitamin that you’ve lacking that you didn’t even know about. Interestingly enough, some of these deficiencies can lead to visual signs that can show up on your face.

These are general claims and causes and shouldn’t be taken as serious medical advice. They are simply signs that could be related to vitamin deficiencies. Do not start taking supplements or making drastic changes to your lifestyle without checking with a medical professional beforehand.

YouTube channel Natural Cures has found five facial signs that could be related to the lack of a certain vitamin. Do you have any of these symptoms? If so it could mean that you need to make some adjustments to your diet.

1. Puffy Eyes: Many people may have experienced puffy eyes at some point in their life. Whether it be after waking up from a nap, or after having a good cry. 

However, puffy eyes can also be linked to another thing. Especially if you are experiencing excessive puffiness. This may be a sign of low iodine.

 This would be a great time to incorporate foods with high levels of iodine into your diet. It might help! Foods like cranberries, yogurt, kelp, potatoes, strawberries, and navy beans are all great sources of iodine.

Try eating more of these foods and see if it has any effect on the puffiness of your eyes. After a few weeks if you haven’t noticed a change, and it’s still bothering you, you might want to seek advice from a doctor. 

2. Pale Skin: Although this could just be a sign that you need to get some more sun, it can also be related to a missing vitamin.

 If you notice that your complexion has been growing paler, it could be a sign that you need to be getting more Vitamin B12 into your system.

 When you’re short of Vitamin B12, you’ll notice that you also feel more tired than usual. Some foods you can eat to boost this vitamin are salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt and swiss cheese.

Before going right to vitamin supplements, it’s a good idea to experiment and evaluate your diet to make sure that it’s not a matter of what you’re eating that is causing these deficiencies.

 3. Dry Hair: No one likes a bad hair day. Most people are after smooth, strong, and moisturized locks and usually dread the winter weather which causes hair to dry out.

 However, if you’re experiencing dry hair frequently, even after you’ve been taking care of it, this could be a sign that you are lacking either biotin or Vitamin B7.

 You may also notice that you are getting more dandruff than usual. The foods for you are eggs, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

 There are also plenty of home remedies for treating dry or damaged hair that you can check out if you want to see faster results.

 4. Pale Lips: Most people do not have naturally red or colored lips, but there is definitely a difference between normal and pale lips. Take a look in the mirror, are your lips pigmented or do they appear pale?

If you notice they are lacking color, this could be a hint that you are in need of more iron. When the body is lacking iron, it weakens the immune system making you more prone to colds and the flu.

Does this sound familiar? If so, add these foods to your diet as they are all rich with iron; red meat, seafood, beans, dark leafy vegetables, iron-fortified cereals, and peas. 

 It shouldn’t be a surprise just how much diet is related to the health and nutrition of the body. If you have some deep-set eating habits that include a lot of processed or junk food, it may be time to consider some diet changes.

 5. Bleeding Gums: Most people end up bleeding a little bit in the gum areas either when flossing or after a trip to the dentist. But if you notice this occurring regularly and are experiencing gum sensitivity, it could be a sign of something else.

 Try adding more Vitamin C to your diet. Vitamin C is a natural and important dental care product. Dental problems can also be a sign that your immune system is weak.

Taking in more fruits and vegetables such as oranges, red peppers, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, and grapefruits will boost the Vitamin C in your system. 

Hopefully, you now know the foods to incorporate into your diet if you are experiencing or have experienced any of these symptoms. In general, these are all good foods that you should already be incorporating into your diet.

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