Low self esteem and lack of self confidence are important factors impacting our image and the way we conduct ourselves in public. It also influences our own level of satisfaction with ourselves and is primarily responsible in some ways for emotional instability. Although, it is common to feel shy, there are others who may express or experience it too much not because of a natural tendency to feel shy but because of low self esteem. Here are typical signs of emotionally instable people which are also based on shyness.
They desire popularity
Although, both men and women love being popular, there are some who want it more than others. If you have a friend, then wanting popularity or seeing someone else being popular shouldn’t be too much of a big deal.
Modern age reasons of desiring to be popular lead to disappointment instead
But! Today we live in the world of social media which is why many desire to be popular on the Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram could well be the elements that trigger these wants or desires due to a feeling of being left out. If you are prepared to do anything it takes to be a social media darling and to get likes and views, then you need to figure out the triggers that drive you to wants such things and it might be a good idea to see a therapist. This can help you locate the main cause why you are desperate for popularity.
Expressing doubts about appearances
Among signs to recognize emotionally unstable behavior, Beautiful men and women all experience doubts about their looks as it is a natural trait to want to be better looking. This is a normal condition and you can’t look great all the time. Everyone has bad days and mood. There are also innumerous factors that impact your looks. If you highlight the good things about your appearance, this will boost your confidence.

Always thinking what others will think or others opinion
What will she think? What will he think? What will they think? Is that really important if you think good about yourself? But!! On the other hand it is also normal. Being constantly bothered about what others think about what you say, what you do, what you wear, how you behave. These are no reasons to get emotionally disturbed about it. Relax because several people all think alike. Every person is wary about a negative opinion of themselves in society but here’s the big fact!! People aren’t always thinking about your appearance and behavior so you can chill.
You could ask your friend or colleague what dress you wore to the office three days ago. The chances are she won’t remember so stop worrying so much about such things and live according to how you want.

Can’t accept rejection or reaction to refusal
Nobody likes being rejected or refused. But the thing is we sometimes think that a person has intentionally refused or rejected us just to spite or hurt us. The person may have had no intentions of doing so but that’s just the way some people think. Refusal and rejections can hurt self-esteem especially for those who lack self-confidence.
Try looking at it from another perspective, maybe people who refuse us are worried of having to do so. It may be on compulsions influenced by work factors and nothing personal. To try and understand Look at it from another perspective why you get refused, you start doing this to others like refusing someone’s ideas. You need to understand how it feels in such situations.
Too high expectations
Raising the bar for your expectations may be good for reaching your targets and goals but that isn’t always the case. This needs to be done within the limits of your own capabilities. We aren’t all Steve Jobs, Hawking or Einstein.
Set targets according to your capabilities
Setting targets and achieving goals is a great confidence booster but this needs to be done step by step as trying to reach the top rung of the ladder first will only result in you being toppled over. Goal oriented results aren’t achieved in one day, Take things gradually and don’t quit what you are doing.

We always feel that the grass is greener on the other side. We see people living lives on social media and feel that their lives are much better than ours. But, photos are to be taken as a clear indication of how others lead their lives. There could be a lot of background baggage and photos could just be a cover up or eyewash for the sake of social media.
Being dissatisfied with yourself and your life and envying others creates low self esteem, frustration and then depression. It so happens that even the happiest people may experience such problems but when you see that Instagram photo, that is carefully chosen as the best parts of a person’s life and the worst is never revealed. There is most probably someone out there who thinks your life is perfect to. Ever thought about that?

Devaluating the problems of others
There are many people who feel that their problems should always be given their due and that the problems of others aren’t as important. Some people feel that their problems aren’t clearly understood by people. They feel that no one besides themselves feels the same negative things or experiences the same problems. A problem regardless of how much is always important to every man or woman. The social influences, factors of socio- economic constraints and limitations, family, work etc are all factors that may make problems large or small to the person experiencing them. Thus if someone wants to help, don’t ignore the support.
Always needing the opinions of others to make a decision
If you take too long pondering over decisions, it signifies insecurity where you keep needing the opinion of several people to help you make up your mind. If someone asks for you to help them decide something, don’t impose your opinion but make suggestions and help them to arrive at a good decision that suits them.
Trying to control close people
Do not take close people for granted and expect them to love you and listen to you regardless. You should also not expect them to be at your beck and call as this will only distance you instead. We all have our own desires and they may not always match with yours. Remember, treat those who love you like people and not your maid or manservants. If someone close to you can’t help you, it’s most probably because of a reason so try doing it yourself for a change.

Being confident is a sign of emotional stability
Yes it is a hundred percent. Our entire life is a collage of smaller things and lack of self confidence may be noticed in each of them. The best way to manage such tings is to make changes in your lifestyle that will give you peace of mind.
These maybe signs to recognize emotionally unstable behavior but they can be rectified. The trick to ensuring emotional stability is to never worry about trivial issues and blow them out of proportion. Practice mindfulness, mediation and de-stressing methods to be a happier person.
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