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Sharing A Bed With Your Cat Could Make You Seriously Ill

 The old saying goes that if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. But if you lie down with cats, you may wake up with something much worse.

A new survey by a pet insurance company from the UK has experts worried. It found that half of the 2,000 people who responded let their pets sleep in their bed alongside them.

And that's not the only way people are letting their pets invade their personal space: a fifth of people who responded let their pets eat off their plates! Researchers say behavior like this could make you and your pet very sick.

 Ideally, most pet owners should wash their pets once a month, wash their pet's bed every two weeks, and wash their food and water bowls every day.

If you don't do all this, you're not alone. When it comes to washing your pet's bed - the easiest way to keep them from getting fleas - only 30% of people surveyed say they do it regularly.

All this may seem like a lot of fuss over nothing, but bad pet hygiene can make you sick, especially if you own cats.

These animals can spread salmonella, parasites, fungal infections and even the bird flu to your family. That's why it's important to mind your pet's hygiene and stick to a cleaning routine.

Along with keeping your pet's environment in tiptop shape and keeping your distance from them during meals, the Centers for Disease Control actually recommend washing your hands every time you touch your cat, their drool, or their litter box.

If the fear of catching salmonella isn't enough to kick your cat out of bed, here's one more thing to worry about: they can stop you from getting a good night's rest!

Do you let your cat sleep in your bed? Has this post changed your mind? Let us know!

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