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The Note Jim Carrey's Girlfriend Wrote Before She Killed Herself Is Absolutely Chilling

 In a -discovered note from before her suicide, Jim Carrey's ex-girlfriend blames the comedian for exposing her to a life of debauchery.

The note was written by Catriona White on April 8, 2013 on her iPad. It's not known whether she actually sent the letter to Carrey before she took her own life on September 28, 2015, two weeks after her 30th birthday.

At the time the note was written, the couple was not together because White had told Carrey that she tested positive for herpes. He maintains that she didn't contract the disease from him and that she must have had it before they met.

The note was discovered during an investigation into her wrongful death which sparked a lawsuit the family has ordered against the 55-year-old actor.
Death Ruled a Suicide

After splitting from Jenny McCarthy, the Liar Liar star met and fell for the makeup artist from Ireland. They dated on and off for years and everyone thought it was a fairy-tale romance until White was found dead in her Los Angeles home.

Her death was ruled a suicide by an overdose of sleeping pills, heart medication and pain relievers.

At the scene of her death, police came across two notes, one of which was addressed specifically to Carrey.

Police interviewed Carrey in the months following White's death, ultimately deciding he was not a suspect. The Mask star remained close with her family and was even a pallbearer at her funeral in Ireland.

Lawsuits Against Carrey:

Carrey was then shocked to learn that White was married to another man at the time of her death and he filed a lawsuit claiming the actor was responsible for his wife's suicide.

During the time that Carrey and wife split she had married an American named Mark Burton. Lawyers describe the union as one of convenience to keep her in the country.

 Burton now claims that one of the medications that were responsible for her death was supplied by Carrey, even though he knew she was suicidal.

White's mother is also suing the actor because she believes that her daughter was suicidal because of an STD she caught from Carrey.

"Jim Carrey should be ashamed of what he did to my daughter," she writes in her lawsuit. "As a family, we want the world to know the truth about who Jim Carrey really is."

It was announced that the star will have his day in court next April to disprove these claims.

“I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved," Carrey said in a statement.

A New Note Emerges

As part of the investigation, authorities came across a note written on White's iPad to Carrey describing the couples tumultuous relationship.

 In it, she describes Carrey as Jekyll and Hyde.

"You did good things for me but being with you broke me down as a person Jim. I was promise Jekyll and instead I got Hyde," the note read.

"Because I love you I would have stuck out Hyde all year and done everything he wanted to be with Jekyll for 5 of those but you threw me away when you absorbed anything worthwhile that was left of me," she wrote.

She references the STDs that she has contracted including HSV (herpes) and HPV.

'You have not thought about the stigma I have to live with for the rest of my life, you have not apologized or once asked is there something you can do to make it better or even felt bad for it," she wrote. "You gave me HSV and HPV, I want you to apologize for it because you care enough to. I want you to understand that however little a thing seems to you, it ruins a girl's life."

Thinking about her life before she met the Hollywood comedian, she said that she was much happier without him in her life.

"Before you, I might not have had very much but I had respect, I was a happy person," she admitted.

"I loved life, I was confident and I felt good in my skin and was proud of most decisions I made, I met you, you introduced me to cocaine, prostitutes, mental abuse and disease," she wrote.

"You did good things for me but being with you broke me down as a person Jim," she concluded.

Just as this note was made public, Carrey revealed that he had already paid White an undisclosed amount of money in 2013 to settle her STD claims. He did admit that it was a 'mistake' to settle the claims with her that way, stating he "will not give in a second time," referring to the cases currently pending against him.

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16 July 2018 at 08:49 ×

The note was fake.

Congrats bro terrymarvin63 you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...