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10+ Anti-Vaxxers Who Set The Bar Of Stupidity So High That It’s Almost Touching The Moon

 Don’t believe that? Don’t worry. You will agree with us in a while after we show you how there are still certain people on the planet that can’t see obvious things and are completely deluded. The level of stupidity of these people will make you cringe and want to bang your head against the wall. Trust me it’s just that stupid.

Without further waiting let’s break it to you we are talking about anti-vaxxers. These people are against vaccines because apparently, they don’t want “needles” anywhere near their children. I mean, I understand the fear of needles but taking it this far? This is just stupid. The conservative people that still believe in this are putting everybody’s life at risk. And the stories that we have compiled for you below make the perfect example of it.

Woah. I’m never getting my children a polio vaccine.
 There’s a big difference between “dangers of vaccine” and “harmful vaccines.”
 *slow claps* Wow. Just wow.
 This is on a whole new level. What even?
 This is hilarious.

 So next time anyone is at the risk of getting diphtheria, just have coffee.

Well, this is awkward.
 “Not their business.”

 I feel bad for the 2-year old girl.
 Oh boy.
 Just get the damn vaccine. HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND?

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