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8 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation

 Suffering from poor blood circulation is usually a symptom of other health issues. Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and smoking are the most common causes. This is because they cause your arteries to become narrow which restricts blood flow.

Proper blood flow is needed because your organs need sufficient blood in order to remain fit and strong. If you ignore the circulatory system, you could damage your kidneys, brain or heart.

With that said, here are the symptoms of poor blood circulation you should look out for.

Numbness and Tingling In Limbs: 

According to Dr. Rob Hicks on WebMD, if there is a restriction of blood to the limbs, you may experience a pins and needles feeling.

 Impaired Cognitive Function: 

The Journal of Geriatric Cardiology states that reduced cerebral blood flow, dramatic blood pressure changes and a significant drop in blood being pumped in the body are the main causes of cognitive deficiency.

 Digestive Problems: 

The Cleveland Clinic states that buildups of fatty matter in the blood vessel walls can restrict blood flow to the abdominal area. This can cause diarrhea, blood in your stool or serious abdominal pain. Consult your doctor if you experience this pain, it can turn into a life-threatening condition.

 Not Hungry: 

Your gastrointestinal tract requires blood in order to digest food. According to the National Lung, Heart and Blood Institute, there is a rare disease that inflames the blood vessels and can cause a loss of appetite.


Dr. Yu Shang of Medscape.com states that reduced oxygen-rich blood can cause muscles to become fatigued. For those who exercise, poor blood circulation can also cause increased recovery time.


Doctors from the Mayo Clinic explain that poor blood circulation can make your hands and feet cold. They may start to throb with pain.


PubMed reports that swelling is due to blood building up around the feet and ankles. This forces fluid from the blood vessels to go to those surrounding tissues. If you also have heart-related circulation issues, it can also cause abdominal swelling.


Angina is a heart condition that can be caused by poor blood circulation. You will experience left side chest pains and breathlessness. The journal Circulation states that coronary circulation insufficiency is a symptom of unstable angina.
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