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Boy Loses Soldier Dad. 15 Yrs Later, Stranger At Door Tells Mom and Son To Come Outside

 Justin Rozier was just nine months old when his father, Army Lt. Jonathan Rozier, was killed while serving in Iraq in July 2003.

  Sadly, Justin had to grow up without his dad, but he took comfort in keeping Jonathan’s dog tags, photos, and other memorabilia close. Fast forward 15 years to a teenage boy who, according to his mom, desperately wanted to know his dad. The time for him to start driving was growing closer and closer.
  Shortly after her husband’s death,  Jessica Johns had sold his 1999 Toyota Celica convertible back to the dealer so that she wouldn’t have to continue paying for a car that was “just sitting in my driveway.” But as her son’s birthday approached, she knew his father’s old car would mean the world to him. That’s when she turned to social media for help.

“It was Jon’s car (1LT Jonathan Rozier, KIA Iraq 7-19-03) and when he died, I wasn’t thinking ahead to when Justin (his son) would be driving 15 years later,” she wrote. “If you facebookers could work your magic and help me find it, it would be an amazing present for his 16th birthday if it hasn’t become a tin can by now.

It was just days later that Johns heard back from the daughter of the car’s owner, who lived in Utah. She told Johns she wasn’t sure whether her father would agree to sell the car, but gave her his phone number. When she called, the owner said he needed time to think about it, but eventually agree to sell it to her.
 Even better is that Utah-based group named Follow the Flag heard about the story and got in touch with Johns. They started a crowdsource fundraiser to pay for the car, restore the vehicle, and transport it back to Texas just in time for Justin’s birthday. Watch as he receives his beloved father’s car in the video below.

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