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Top 5 Bedtime Drinks To Lose Excess Weight

 People are constantly struggling with excess weight. In fact, the National Institute of Health states that 75% of Americans are overweight. What’s even more disturbing is that they also state that 33% of those people are obese. Obesity and certain conditions such as insomnia and other sleep disorders have a connection with excess weight. According to scientists at the University of Chicago, when you are deprived of sleep, it can impair your metabolism and disrupt your hormone levels. So, below you will find the top bedtime drinks that will help you get rid of excess weight.


 According to Men’s Health a glass of milk (cold or warm) can help you sleep more soundly because it contains high levels of calcium and tryptophan. Also, one way to get rid of excess fat is to turn it into muscle. According to research from Medicine and Science In Sports Exercise, Milk’s casein protein is slow digesting so it can help build muscle overnight.

Apple Psyllium Drink: 

According to the Daily Health Post the apples in this drink limit the absorption of fat from the gut and also make it easier for your body to break down the fats into fatty acids. In addition, a 2003 study published in PubMed shows that consuming three apples a day contributes to weight loss. The Daily Health Post states that when the body consumes psyllium, it expands to form a gel-like mass by drawing water from the colon. This helps move waste from the colon more quickly. To make this drink, all you need is one apple, one cup of cold water, two teaspoons of 100% psyllium husk/powder, and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. To make this drink, cut up the apple with the skin on it and blend it with the water until it’s smooth. Then pour the mixture into a large cup and stir the psyllium and cinnamon powder with it. Drink it immediately after mixing is complete.

Grape Juice: 

Grape juice contains insulin; and according to research that is published in Cell Reports, insulin has the ability to regulate the body’s circadian rhythms. In addition, a study found in the 2015 International Journal of Obesity found that resveratrol, which is an antioxidant found in grapes, actually converts calorie-storing white fat into calorie-burning brown fat.


 Men’s Health states that kefir helps increase the levels of healthy bacteria in the gut, which increases proper digestion and helps absorb minerals and vitamins more effectively. In addition, research found in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that kefir helps improve sleep.

Soy Protein Shake:

 According to research from Birmingham University, soy protein can help improve sleep by inducing melatonin. Also, the tryptophan found in this beverage can help decrease cortisol levels., which will help fight belly fat.

Cherry Aloe Vera Drink: 

According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, tart cherry juice produces significant reductions of insomnia. Another study found in the European Journal of Nutrition explains that tart cherry juice can increase melatonin levels which will improve sleep quality. Aloe Vera gel contains powerful vitamins, enzymes, saponins, lignin, and minerals, that can help with weight loss according to the Daily Health Post.
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