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20 Most Rare and Unusual Things You Will Ever See

 This world is home to the most amazing things millions of which we may never encounter in real life. However, that doesn’t know we should see them in photographs which is why articles like this are really cool in showing you the amazing aspect of earth. From plants and animals to metals and the men, you will definitely be in awe of how such things exist. Take a look at 20 such rare things you may never see.

1 Snow rolls

Have you ever seen such a phenomenon of snow rolls? This is a weather phenomenon where chunks of snow are formed into large roller looking snowballs. They are blown by the wind and keep on picking up more snow along the way making them look like a cylindrical doughnut.

 2 Chinese lantern

This echoes the slogan “life within death”. You may have seen Chinese Lanterns but have you ever seen something like this. The outer shell looks like some skeleton of a plant or something organic whatever it is and the inside is a nice lantern.

 3 Bismuth crystals

Did you know that Bismuth crystals are the easiest things you can grow even using your household stove? They can form rainbow colors and are nontoxic in nature. In fact, those who practice alternative healing use them for focus and shamanic journeying.

 4 Sunset Eclipse

While sunsets are pretty, a sunset eclipse is a rare phenomenon and beautiful to watch. The last time Americans were treated to a sunset eclipse was on 23rd Oct 2017 when observers in the central time zone were treated to the rare visual phenomenon of the crescent dipping into the horizon.

 5 Albino Alligator

Albino Alligators are extremely rare species. The one who tops the list is 22-year old Bouya Blan who is just one of 12 of his kind and weighs over 500 pounds. The gator is kept at Gatorland theme park in Florida.

 6 Auroras in Norway

Auroras are the electrical phenomena in the sky characteristic of the multi-colored streaming lights they produce and are located near the earth’s southern and magnetic pole. The most famous is the Northern Aurora Borealis called the Northern lights.

 7 Weird Egg

Now eggs, of course, are liked by everyone and we all know the shape of an egg which is somewhat elliptical. But this isn’t photo shopped, however, it is an oddly shaped egg and one wonders the shape of the hen it came out from.

 8 Dragon skull plant

The Antirrhinum also called the Snapdragon is a popular plant found in many gardens. It is also known as the dragon flower and looks like a dragon from the front. However, it looks even more macabre when the flower withers and the seed pod remains which looks like a skull.

 9 Hail in El Paso 

Hail storms are often reported in El Paso every year. The largest report of hail in El Paso was on 21 May 2018, with a measurement of 2 inches. The hail in this person’s hand seems longer though and must have really hurt.

 10 Sculpture by Brad Spencer

Have you ever seen a sculpture like this? The brick architecture was made by Sculptor Brad Spencer and is one of many incredible brick sculptures under the title “Life is an open book”. It depicts children climbing over an open brick book.

 11 Flying gurnards

The flying gurnards is a fish dwelling in the bottom of tropical waters in the Atlantic Ocean. It can be found in the USA side north of Massachusetts and as far south as Argentina as well as the Caribbean Gulf and Mexico.

 12 Lizard Molten skin

Lizards like most reptiles shed their skin but this one seems to have done it in such a way that the skin hasn’t crumbled or shredded. The entire facial skin is still intact and looks really weird. You can see the eyes and mouth which looks eerie too.

 13 The black swallower

The black swallower or Chiasmodon niger is a deep-sea fish species known for its ability to –swallow fish larger than itself. It lives in subtropical waters and can be found at depths of 700 to 2,745 feet.

 14 The far side of the moon

This side of the moon cannot be seen from Earth but many photographs have been taken of it from space. There are even two seas on the moon called the sea of Moscow and the sea of dreams.

 15 The Hang Nga Guest House in Vietnam

Also called the crazy guest house, it is located in Dalat Vietnam. The peculiarly shaped house that looks like dead wood actually resembles a large tree and is decorated with mushrooms, caves, animal skins and a giant cobweb.

 16 Crowned eagle foot

The African crowned eagle is a large bird of prey and the most dangerous among eagle species. Its habitat is the riparian woodlands and various forests. While it cannot be said to be Africa’s largest eagle, it is the deadliest because of the weights of prey it can carry and its method of crushing its victim’s skulls.

 17 Purple corn from Peru

This is something rare that you will never see. Purple corn grows in Peru and gets its natural color the purple pigment from compounds within the corn called anthocyanins which are also found in blueberries and blackberries.

 18 Grass after a lightning strike

Lightning strikes are dangerous and of course, devastating too but sometimes it can leave some fantastic designs on nature especially where it strikes like this field of grass. The design is like an intrinsic web of veins.

 19 Rare flying fish

Now, this is one of the most beautiful photos of flying fish which is crystal clear and not hazy. Flying fish are called Exocoetidae and are capable of powerful leaps out of the water. What seems like wings n their bodies are actually fins that help them to glide.

 20 The largest flower in the world

 The largest flower in the world is the Rafflesia which is a parasitic species of flowers found throughout Southeast Asia especially in Indonesia. It was discovered in Indonesia in 1818 by a guide working for Dr. Joseph Arnold, member of an expedition led by Sir Thomas Raffles.

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