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Reasons Why You Should Give Love a Second Chance.

We all have had this falsehood instilled in our minds that there is only one epic love in a person’s lifetime. That for each person ever born on earth, there is only one other soulmate out there for that person with whom everything will make sense and life will fall into place.

Well, let’s get this sorted out once and for all. This is the greatest, oldest and most false myth humankind has ever created. Love is not objective to one person for life. In fact, if we follow the literal definition then love is not subjective to a person and love could be developed as an ideology or anything one has their heart set in.

Sometimes people never find their true love. Other times, people ruin their perfect love stories or life interferes in it and there’s nothing one can do about it. And the heartbreak of a losing your first love comes only second to losing someone you care about for life.

And it takes forever to rebuild yourself into that hopeful romantic that once led butterflies in your stomach. But here’s where the focus is. There can always be a second chance at love if you truly believe in it and if you really make the effort for it. Sometimes you may even get your first love back by really pushing hard enough and striving for it. Other times, life really does place a whole new opportunity for you. Haven’t you ever heard the quote “We fall in love with the most unexpected person, at the most unexpected of time”?

So here’s a list of why second chances are truly worth the strive and why you shouldn’t give up on love if it didn’t work out the way you thought it would the first time.

It takes a lot of strength to give love another chance when its crushed you once already. When you give love a second chance, you’re in fact giving yourself a second chance. A chance to feel that ecstasy and delight from being cherished and protected while reciprocating the same support is a love form unlike any other (other than parenthood).

1. It is Self-Therapeutic

Losing your first love and having to move on in life is one of the hardest things one would ever have to do. There is no denying that. But when you take the second chance, you are actually allowing yourself to truly heal. You give yourself a chance at real happiness and real love once again and you are healing on a whole new level now. And it the best way forward is done rightfully.

2. It Defines Your Strength

Once you’ve been heartbroken and crushed once, you become sort of invincible once you survive that. It’s one of the worst things a person has to go through. And when not only moves on from it but actually takes another chance at it, that there is where pure strength and heroism it defined. Because fighting external battles is something one eventually comes up with. But fighting all the insecurities and trust issues within is where the real battle and real personality is shaped.

3. There is a Certain Amount of a More Fierce Passion in the Second Love

It may seem like there could never be something better than the love you lost. It may seem impossible to beat that level of commitment and passion that you shared with one person. But there is something a little more desperate in a second love. Since you’ve already lost love once, you know what’s at stake when you lose love and you will have a certain amount of a greater and fiercer passion in the second love unlike any you have ever experienced before.

4. It Builds a Better Sense of Security

Losing love once teaches you too much too soon. And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because you learn from the mistakes. You learn from the heartbreak. And you have a better sense of security. Your expectations from your next partner is also a little different and more than that there is a sense of self-reliance that you develop unlike any other ever before. And there is nothing more powerful than that.

5. You Develop a Deeper Understanding of Each Other

Your second chance at love will make you look at things differently. Your first love might have had an understanding unlike any you have ever witnessed before but once you lose that you begin to see things in a different perspective with your second love. There is more empathy and a higher willingness to try to understand better because you do not want to repeat the same mistakes again.

6. The Love is on a Whole Other Level of Comfortable

When you are in a second love, there is a different level of comfort. Expectations are usually less and pampering and support are usually more preferred than grand gestures. Not saying that grand gestures are not important, but they come secondary to the little things that have the most impact like a hug or just holding hands. You both have developed a better comfort zone and there is generally less stress if you two really are trying to make it work.

7. It is Automatically A More Mature Relationship

Maturity does not come with age but from experience. And when has gone through the epic experience of a real heartbreak, then there is an automatic sense of maturity that the person develops. You become a little more humble and you start to view yourself and the world around you from a different lens and that generates a mature relationship when you actually give love a true second chance.

8. There is a Higher Dedication Percentage

Everyone knows that you begin to value something on a whole new level once you lose it. And that is exactly why second love has a higher percentage of dedication than the first one. This dedication and undying willpower of refusal to give up unless absolutely necessary are what will reassure you that giving love a second chance was truly worth it.

9. The Elements of Trust and Happiness are Greater

I know you will not believe this. And the place of a first love will always be there in your heart. But you only believe this because you have not given love a real second chance. This means you listened to your heart and gave yourself all into someone else again. When you experience the sheer joy of love and comfort after losing it once already, there is inward gratification which makes it even more special and great and this is why sometimes second loves are better than first loves. If only you would truly give it a real chance with your all.

10. There is a Greater Probability That This One May Last Longer

Know I can not vouch for the unpredictability of life but I can vouch for the effort one is willing to put in for their second chance at love. When one is willing to give their all and do their best not to disappoint and never to give up on you, there is a greater chance that this one might just succeed long into the future.

All you really need to do is get over your first love as much as you can without it affecting you or stopping you from living your life to the fullest. Once you’ve accomplished this, maybe your second greatest love story is just right around the corner and it might pounce on you out of nowhere and maybe, just maybe, life will turn around for the better again.

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