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20 Spectacular Aerial Photos Which Show That Desert Is Taking Over Dubai And Abu Dhabi

 Dubai is one of the most famous cities of the world and it easily conforms to the standards of a global city. This business center of middle-east is not only the largest but also the most populated city of UAE.

Earlier, Dubai’s economy was dependent on oil revenue but now it has developed other revenues as well, such as real estate, tourism, aviation, etc. Dubai is attracting a lot of public attention because of the sports events that it organized, big construction projects which are being carried out and of course for the tallest building of the world Burj Khalifa.

However, there is another aspect of Dubai and UAE other than skyscrapers and townships. It is the sand and the landscapes which offer a view of surreal beauty to a person who loves to get engrossed in it.

Photographer Irenaeus Herok who is based in Sydney has taken some really stunning aerial shots of UAE and Dubai with the help of drone and we are sure that you are going to love them!

Some roads lead nowhere

The highways in Dubai are pretty well-planned; however, the photo shows some roads going nowhere and ending in the middle. This may have been done considering the future plans as the road to malls, shopping center, housing society, etc. is already made and whenever the new building will be made, the trucks bringing the construction material will also have difficulty.

 Photography or painting

The beautiful landscape, sand banks and scattered trees on both sides of the road which is going in a zig-zag manner gives us an impression that this is not photography but a painting made by a very talented painter. However, the truth is that it is a wonderful photography of Irenaeus Herok and he never edits or photoshops his photographs.

 Camels getting trained

Camel is called the ship of the desert as it can move freely there and considering the fact that UAE and Dubai have so much of desert, they definitely need a number of camels. In the photo, camels are relaxing after training as we can see them lying in the sand. In the photo, they are wrapped in blankets which are tied to save them from heat in hot weather and cold in cold weather.

 Save trees

This photo speaks a lot about the importance of saving trees and how precious trees are in UAE and Dubai. The tree could have been cut for making the road but they diverted the road so that the tree can stand safely. If you look carefully, it also appears as if it is the eye of the sand which is looking in the air.

 Need for Speed

This well-built road leads to the circle and returns from them without leading the driver anywhere. The road may have been made to let the owners of sports cars check the top speed and enjoy the thrill and excitement of high speed. Well, in simple words, it is a chance to play video game ‘Need for Speed’ in real.

 Greenery everywhere

It is considered almost impossible to have greenery in the desert but Dubai has made an exception to it as we can see that there is a road network which is blended with a lot of greenery. It feels so soothing while watching the greenery as we don’t get to see it even in most of the developed nations where environment is suitable for growing plants and trees.

 What are these dots?

After looking at the photo, the green area seems to be man-made lakes but what are these dots around them? These dots are actually trees that have been planted to give shade to the visitors once they grow. Just look at the symmetry with which they have been planted; it will be a heaven once these trees grow.

 A football field in between of nowhere

One of the most popular sports of the world, football is played in Dubai also but don’t you feel that this football field is in the middle of nowhere? It is just the football field with no road around, no arrangement for the audiences and no facilities for the team members as well. It seems that a stadium will be built soon but they have provided for the ground to players to practice.

 The aerial view of the city

This is the aerial view of Dubai and we have to admit that it is not just very beautiful but properly planned as well. What’s more, it gives a futuristic appeal to the city. All the things from roads to houses are aptly designed and constructed in a systematic manner.

 Sandstorms - Human Vs Nature

There is no doubt that nature will always overpower the human and this is one more example of nature’s supremacy. The sandstorms which are called shamal in Arabic are pretty common in Dubai and in this photo, we can see that the sand has covered the road to a good extent.

 Human Vs Nature once again

Driving on such roads must be very difficult as half of the time, the vehicle has to be driven on the sand and the road keeps on going out of sight repetitively. It is better to use Google Maps in such conditions as a person can get lost in the desert in case of a sandstorm.

 Wandering in desert

Wandering in the desert can be quite difficult for humans but not for these camels as they are the ship of deserts and nobody can walk as freely here as they can. It is also not advisable for humans to wander like this as it is too hot and they won’t be able to bear the heat for too long.

 The Arabian Oryx in desert

The Arabian Oryx or the white oryx is the national animal of the United Arab Emirates and sighting it in the desert is a good sign because there was a time when it was classified as endangered. It got extinct in the wild but was saved in the zoos and private parks and was later reintroduced to the wild by 1980.

 Sandstorm is coming

It may look beautiful to those who have not experienced it but for those who live in the region, this is definitely not something pleasant and nice. People residing in Dubai or UAE have to shut the windows of their houses, switch off ACs and wait for the sandstorm to pass.

 The shape of fork

When this road gets divided into different roads which go in different directions, it looks like the shape of a fork. This may not have been discovered even by those who actually constructed the road as it can be visible only if it is viewed from up in the air.

 Camel racing tracks

Camel racing is a very popular sport in UAE and it not only attracts tourists but is also a lucrative option for those who like to place bets. Earlier, child jockeys used to control the camels but due to human rights violation, now the camels are controlled by remote-controlled robotic whips. Here is the photo of a camel race track:

 Which place is this?

If you are thinking that this is some beach in Thailand or Australia or in Bali, you are absolutely wrong. This is the Jumeirah Beach in Dubai and we can see a good number of visitors spending quality tine here. Don’t you feel that this aerial view is just mesmerizing and breathtaking?

 The World Islands

The World Islands is the man-made archipelago of several islands which is formed in the shape of the world map. It is situated in the waters of Persian Gulf, nearly 4 kms away from the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The idea of this project was conceived by the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

 Dubai in Haze

Haze takes place when dust, smoke and other particles combine together to spoil the clarity of the sky and also poses respiratory problems for the citizens. This is how Dubai looks like when there is haze and people of Dubai must be facing difficulty in breathing as the condition of the air is not good.

 White camel on the road

 If you want to drive on the roads which are covered with sand due to sandstorm, you need to have an SUV as shown in the photo. The vehicle can be referred to as white camel as it is also walking on the sand in order to reach its destination.

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